Automate Record Creation in Airtable

Automate Record Creation in Airtable

Connect your forms to Airtable, a versatile cloud-based database tool. Automate the creation of new records in your Airtable bases directly from form submissions. Organize and manage your data efficiently, collaborate with team members, and gain valuable insights.

Setting up Airtable Integration

To add the new workflow action for form submissions to add the submitted values to add into your selected Airtable table, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have an account on Airtable if not please visit Airtable (opens in a new tab) and sign up.
  2. Log in to your dashboard and navigate to the “Apps” Tab.
  3. Click on Airtable “Connect”. This will bring an authorising window for you to authorise Airtable. Here login into the Airtable if not already logged in.


  1. Select the workspace in which table is present and click on “Grant


  1. Now navigate to the “Forms” tab and select the form for which you want to set up Airtable workflow.
  2. Under the selected form page navigate to the “Workflows” Tab
  3. Under the workflows click on the “Actions” and select “Add action” this will bring up a new window.
  4. Here select the App as “Airtable” and Connection which was connected previously, "Add Record" as an action and Select "Table" to which you want to add the record.
  5. After Selecting all the options click on “Add” and test the Airtable workflow action by submitting a test form on your website and verify the submitted values are added in the selected table.

Troubleshooting Airtable Workflow.

If you encounter any issues with Airtable workflow, such as record not being created, you can troubleshoot the issue by:

  • Verify the selected Airtable workspace while authorising the connection.
  • Reconnecting the Airtable connection by clicking the reconnect button under the “Apps” tab and selecting the workspace and granting the access.
  • Test the workflow by submitting the test submission on the form.